Campaigning in Canada

Debbie Wasserman, president of the National Council of Jewish Women of Canada (NCJWC), reports on their current campaign projects concerning Human Trafficking, Jewish Genetic Diseases, and Organ & Tissue Donation.

NCJWC is now 121 years old and we are the longest standing Jewish women’s organization in Canada.  NCJWC prides itself on identifying Jewish and non-Jewish community needs and provides the leadership, energy, and financial resources to bring about meaningful change. All who come to NCJWC share a belief that progressive ideals put into action can improve our community, our country and the world.

Projects currently being our focus:

Human Trafficking – awareness that this heinous crime is actively happening in our communities.  It is not only international victims within our midst.  Traffickers target young Canadians and encourage others to join their web.  Presently we are developing educational material to share with schools, and groups (of adults and young adults) to alert our children so that they will not become victims

Jewish Genetic Diseases – education of the Jewish Genetic Diseases currently identified and to encourage testing of young couples considering having children to determine their risk factors.

Organ and Tissue Donation – encouraging everyone to donate. Some people believe that Jews should not do so.  This is a fallacy that must be made clear.  NCJWC members speak to groups about the importance of this mitzvah and encourage people to donate their organs.

Fundraising is not the main focus of our organization.  Fundraising is a means to an end: to be able to do the work we choose to do.  Often projects chosen involve people power, not money power.  NCJWC members are not afraid to get their hands dirty.  By actually getting involved in projects we make a positive and direct impact on our community.

We look forward to hosting the ICJW Executive Meeting in Canada in May 2019.  It will be held in Toronto, Ontario.

For more information about NCJWC, please visit our website at