ICJW Resolutions, May 2022

The following Resolutions were passed by the ICJW Executive at the ICJW Quadrennial Convention in Jerusalem, Israel, in May 2022, including Resolutions on women’s role in conflict resolution, and on the impact of climate change, and a Topical Statement on the war in the Ukraine. Click on the links to see the full text:


Further to the ICJW Policy on Status of Women in reference to #3: “Increasing Women’s Leadership and Participation in Decision-making”, and recalling UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on “Women, Peace and Security,” and its urgent call for increased representation of women at all decision-making levels for the prevention, management, and resolution of conflict, yet aware that despite women’s contribution to the substance of peace negotiations, while widely recognized as a tool for attaining sustainable results, twenty-two years after the adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 1325, women continue to be excluded from participation in peace processes, and their pivotal role in conflict-resolution is still marginal, and recognizing the efforts of UN bodies, governments, women’s organizations, and civil-society activists to implement Resolution 1325 as part of strengthening women’s leadership and their full and equal participation in decision-making, the International Council of Jewish Women calls upon its members and affiliates

  • To ensure that women are sensitized to recognize their role in society and the importance of making their voice heard in conflict-resolution and in peace-building;
  • To encourage and spread innovative approaches to break the old paradigms regarding peace and women and security and focus on initiatives to ensure women’s full and effective participation and decision-making in public life;
  • To establish and support peace-education programs, with emphasis on the development of non-racist textbooks, promoting dialogue from an early age, and stressing democracy and tolerance in conflict-resolution.
  • To encourage and strengthen cooperation among women’s organizations in order to articulate in a clearer voice and a clearer message the need for women in leadership positions in order to promote economic and social stability, remove causes of unrest and violence, and advocate for equality;
  • To make wise use of social media in order to spread international understanding, democratic principles, and women’s role in peace-building and conflict-resolution. 


Further to ICJW Policy II.C on the Needs of Older Persons, and considering that ICJW holds non-governmental status at the United Nations and other world forums giving voice to civil-society issues, and noting for the last decade ICJW representatives to the UN in Geneva and New York have participated regularly in the NGO Committee on Ageing; and

Whereas individual ICJW affiliates have supported projects on ageing and have advocated for women of all ages;

The International Council of Jewish Women, meeting at their Convention in Jerusalem on May 25, 2022:

  1. Urges a human rights approach in its support for the protection of older persons, especially women, consistent with existing human rights standards and laws;
  2. Exhorts the ICJW representatives to the United Nations forums to continue to support a Convention on the Rights of Older Persons;
  3. Recognizes that older persons, particularly older women, are faced with “ageism,” which adversely affects their participation in society, and are confronted with multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination (gender, age, disabilities), thus requiring added protection against violence, abuse, and neglect;
  4. Recommends all international representatives to use “women of all ages” in official documents in adherence to the adoption by the UN of “Leaving No One Behind”;
  5. Urges continuing to act as an anti-discrimination organization by requiring governments to collect data, develop indicators, establish laws and policies, and develop programs that take into account the human rights, dignity, and concerns of older persons, especially of older women;
  6. Notes the International Day of Older Persons (October 1) and the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing (2021-2030) and urges its affiliates to plan appropriate programs in order to promote the messages inherent in these dates.


Further to the ICJW Policy on Environment and Sustainable Development and reaffirming the Beijing Platform for Action, the Rio +20, the Lima Work Programme on Gender adopted at COP20 in 2014, the Paris Agreement in 2018, and the Glasgow Climate Pact, the International Council of Jewish Women calls upon its members and affiliates

  • To forge coalitions in order to ensure that stakeholders recognize the centrality of women’s roles in all environmental and disaster-reduction policies and adopt a holistic and coordinated approach to integrating a gender perspective in all programs dealing with climate change and natural-resource management.
  • To cooperate with environmental civil-society associations, national institutions, and UN bodies for the effective implementation of such policies and programs, emphasizing the need to incorporate a gender perspective in the development and implementation of disaster and risk reduction and mitigation and recovery strategies.
  • To work toward the inclusion of women at national and local levels in all decision-making bodies that design and plan environmental and climate-change projects, ensuring that gender concerns and women’s specific needs are taken into consideration.


The shocking invasion of Ukraine has subjected ordinary citizens, and especially women, children, and the elderly, to extreme vulnerability. The humanitarian needs both in Ukraine and among Ukrainian refugees are immediate and increasing. As war and related displacement heighten risks, especially with regard to sexual violence and human trafficking, the International Council of Jewish Women calls upon international aid organizations to implement measures to protect women and children and institute rigorous investigation in order to ensure deterrence and prevention of such acts.

  • ICJW declares its solidarity with, compassion for, and support of the people of Ukraine. ICJW calls for the condemnation of the violence and hostile actions.
  • ICJW affiliates in many countries have initiated aid campaigns to help Ukrainian refugees, and Jewish communities in many countries have raised funds and made special efforts to assist Jewish and non-Jewish refugees from Ukraine.
  • ICJW supports these efforts and calls upon its members and affiliates to do their utmost to endorse, bolster, and advance appropriate beneficial programs in these troubled times.