Topical Statement on Solidarity with the Victims of the War in the Ukraine

May, 2022

The shocking invasion of Ukraine has subjected ordinary citizens, and especially women, children, and the elderly, to extreme vulnerability. The humanitarian needs both in Ukraine and among Ukrainian refugees are immediate and increasing. As war and related displacement heighten risks, especially with regard to sexual violence and human trafficking, the International Council of Jewish Women calls upon international aid organizations to implement measures to protect women and children and institute rigorous investigation in order to ensure deterrence and prevention of such acts.

ICJW declares its solidarity with, compassion for, and support of the people of Ukraine. ICJW calls for the condemnation of the violence and hostile actions.

ICJW affiliates in many countries have initiated aid campaigns to help Ukrainian refugees, and Jewish communities in many countries have raised funds and made special efforts to assist Jewish and non-Jewish refugees from Ukraine.

ICJW supports these efforts and calls upon its members and affiliates to do their utmost to endorse, bolster, and advance appropriate beneficial programs in these troubled times.