Shavuot Message

Dear friends of the International Council of Jewish Women,

On this holiday of Shavuot, we gather to celebrate not only the giving of the Torah but also the strength and resilience of our community.

Shavuot reminds us of our commitment to our roots, our traditions, and our values, which are the basis of our identity as Jewish women.

The Torah comes to life through our actions, decisions, and the legacy we build for future generations.

In these difficult times, we want to reiterate our unwavering support for Israel. We know that the current situation presents significant challenges and, as always, we are committed to supporting our homeland with all our hearts.

Our solidarity with Israel is firm and constant, and we continue to work to promote peace and security in the region.

We should be inspired by the strength of Ruth, who faced challenges with courage and determination. Let us follow Ruth’s example, staying united and strong, facing adversity with hope and resilience.

May this holiday bring us blessings of peace, unity and wisdom. May we continue to be a light for our communities and an example of leadership and dedication.

May our support for Israel always be a beacon of hope and solidarity.

Chag Shavuot Sameach,

Lilian Grinberg

Vivian Mussali