Helping Girls

Celebrating the United Nation’s International Day of the Girl

October 11th, 2023, marks the commemoration of the 11th anniversary of the United Nations International Day of the Girl (IDG).  This year’s theme is “Digital Generation, Our Generation” providing a platform for the global community to understand the disadvantages girls face online. 

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has stated: “Now more than ever, we must renew our commitment to work together so that girls enjoy and exercise their rights and can play a full and equal part in their communities and societies.  Investing in girls is investing in our common future.”  Ending discrimination against the world’s millions of girls is a basic human right.  The mission of IDG is to focus attention and address challenges promoting girls’ empowerment and gender equality.  Just a few basic statistics demonstrate the issues and need- the risk of child marriage for up to 10 million girls; girls are primarily the victims of sexual exploitation and violence; the global internet user gender gap is growing; access to education and healthcare is not equitable. 

Ways to get involved: 

We, in ICJW, can do our part to break boundaries and barriers and increase opportunities for girls.  Our affiliates can create awareness AND take action. 

  • Encourage, support and mentor girls to assume leadership positions in schools, organizations and political situations.
  • Hear girls’ voices and amplify their concerns.

The Period.Project

Establishing A New Community Service To Combat Period Poverty

Several National Council of Jewish Women Sections (USA) have created a new community service project to end menstrual inequity for girls in Middle and High Schools.  After becoming aware that some girls miss school because they lack feminine hygiene products, the groups were determined to find a solution to this issue.  The answer was The Period.Project.  They collected sanitary pads and tampons, packed them in kits, and then distributed them to schools with the hope to end period poverty.  There were also two advocacy pieces that were undertaken.  One to encourage states to directly fund the products and the other was to push for the elimination of the tax on these items making them even more expensive and out of reach for many.

Find out more at

The availability for these products could also be expanded to food banks, homeless shelters and prisons. NCJW Sections are NOT the only organizations involved in supplying sanitary products, but they are certainly doing their part.  We, in ICJW, could also play a key role.  Won’t you consider making a difference to girls/women and become part of the International Day of the Girl?  Thank You!


• Publicize the day. Write letters to the editors of your local press.
• Check on girls’ access to digital technology in your communities, in local libraries and schools. Bridge gaps.
• Create safe spaces and workshops for girls to come together to share and validate their experiences, perspectives, decision making and contributions. To offer them support.
• Encourage school curriculums to include gender neutral content, confidence building, leadership and financial skills, and job trainings. Include educating teachers/adults.
• Check on the availability of menstruation products, ensure sanitary conditions and easy access to health care and accurate information.
• Involve local political leaders and ask them to declare October 11th as the International Day of the Girl.
• Ensure that funding for girls’ needs is equal to the dollars for boys and that advancement for boys doesn’t leave girls behind.
• Educate girls about issues and then ask them to speak to their school administrators and teachers to see if a discussion about them can be part their classes.
• Share examples of women who are leaders, role models, entrepreneurs, authors, and trailblazers.
• Shop at local women-owned businesses.
• Ensure the passage of legislation guaranteeing girls’ equal rights.
• Work together to form partnerships with other organizations. Involve many different
stakeholders. Men and boys must be included too.


Working Groups on Girls
UNICEF Campaign
UN Women Campaign
UNESCO Campaign
HeForShe Alliance

Prepared by: Judy Mintz, ICJW’s representative to the Working Group for Girls at UN headquarters in NY